LPU Offers Training to Women’s Group
On February 15, 2012, LPU Cavite’s Community Outreach and Service Learning Office (COSeL) spearheaded the Meat-Processing Training of select representatives of the Samahan ng Kababaihan ng Manggahan, at the Culinary Laboratory 2 of the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management. Chef Angelito Lunasin, Jr., LPU’s Executive Chef, Consultant (Hotel…
Share JPL 2022 Spreads Christmas Cheer
LPU security, utility, maintenance and garden employees received simple Christmas gifts from the university community on December 14, 2022. Dubbed “Share JPL (Jesus’ Peace and Love)” this Christmas project was coordinated and jointly sponsored by hardworking officers of the Lyceum Central Student Government (LYCESCO), the college Student Governments (SG), and…