CBA Conducts Business Planning Seminar

In observance of the Mission – Vision Week, the College of Business Administration together with its students, faculty members and the Dean, Mr. Reynaldo C. San Mateo, gathered last August 20, 2019 at the University Auditorium to learn from this year’s “Business Planning Seminar”. It aims to unleash the inner entrepreneurial spirit within everyone. Students were encouraged to be engaged in entrepreneurial activities that interest them the most.

The Provincial Cooperative, Livelihood & Entrepreneurial Development Office (PCLEDO) was also emphasized in the seminar. The resource speaker, Atty. Khervy B. Reyes laid out the programs and services offered by PCLEDO, from livelihood and enterprise development down to funding access. Students were informed of all the services and assistance that they can get from the said government agency.

Lastly, the speaker ended the talk by challenging everyone to take risks because business opportunities can only be maximized by taking such. Putting up your own business may entail risk, but it is with those uncertainties that success can be fully realized.