CAS OIC-Dean Publishes First Ebook
On June 19, 2020, the book Building Bridges Through Prayer and Holiness: John Paul II’s Formula for Unity in Christ was officially published as an electronic book (ebook) by, USA’s leading online bookstore. The author, Fr. Ramil Marcos is the outgoing OIC Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and the incoming OIC Director of the Research, Publication and Innovation Center or RPIC (a new office that merges the former Research and Innovation Center, RIC and the Strategic Communications Office, SCO).
The book is a study of the theology of Spiritual Ecumenism of Pope St. John Paul II, considered by many theologians as the most ecumenical pope because of his respect and love for Christians who belong to other communities, like the Protestants and the Orthodox. Spiritual ecumenism is an area of utmost importance for Christians of all confessions in the common thirst for the healing of memories, for theological consensus and for the attainment of organic unity in the future.
This is Fr. Marcos’ 18th published book, and his first electronic book (ebook). Its publication pays tribute to the Year of Ecumenism celebrated in the Philippines in 2020, to promote better understanding and deeper ties among Christians of different denominations. Fr. Francis Constantino of the Bunburry Catholic Diocese in Western Australia collaborated in the publication.