Liberal Arts and Education

The College provides a cornerstone for students with passion for profound learning of the liberal arts and sciences.   The courses are designed to motivate curiosity and scaffold practical education which draws the students towards  the careers that they want to pursue. The faculty roster is a mixture of pure educators and industry-based professional lecturers who provide for academic training and practical drills.


The College of Arts and Sciences envisions itself as an accredited Center of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences. Prospering in a quiet, peaceful and serene resort campus, faculty and students engage in free and lively interaction to develop creative minds and critical thinking. The CAS sees itself as a leading institution of higher learning nationally and internationally recognized for excellence.


The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to the following mission:

  1. Provide interactive learning experience through Outcomes-Based Education.
  2. Provide appropriate knowledge and skills to meet industry requirements.
  3. Provide entrepreneurial skills for advancement of self-reliance and sustainability.
  4. Provide employable graduates who can compete globally in the field of arts and sciences and research.